Our customer asked for a custom dashboard that shows uses data sources, including ‘Schedule Job’ history. To achieve this we are going to use:


And implementation would be quite easy:

public async Task<ActionResult> ImportHistory()
    var importUsersJobType = typeof(ImportUsersJob);

    var job = scheduledJobRepository
        .FirstOrDefault(j => j.TypeName == $"{importUsersJobType.Namespace}.{importUsersJobType.Name}");

    var result = await scheduledJobLogRepository.GetAsync(job.ID, 0, int.MaxValue);

    return Json(result.PagedResult.Select(a => new
        CompletedUtc = a.CompletedUtc.ToLocalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"),
        Status = a.Status.ToString()

The schedule job type is ‘ImportUserJob’, and we are getting history data of the execution of the job:

var result = await scheduledJobLogRepository.GetAsync(job.ID, 0, int.MaxValue);

And finally return back JSON object of exection data back to FED:

return Json(result.PagedResult.Select(a => new
        CompletedUtc = a.CompletedUtc.ToLocalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"),
        Status = a.Status.ToString()

PS: Scott Reed mentioned there is a plugin to overview all of your scheduled jobs please find it here

2 thoughts on “Custom page for schedule job status

  1. There is a plug called scheduled job overview that gives overview in a grid of the scheduled jobs as well as graphical performance breakdown.

    1. Really appreciate it @Scott. I’ve been asked about IScheduledJobLogRepository and how it works and it is more to clarify that but for sure that is out of box solution. I added a link to the post as well for anyone is interested

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