In this post we want to introduce the project that hosts the WCF RESTful service and a client which is consuming the service with AJAX and jQeury. You need to have VS2010 and .Net 4.0 and being sure that you select the “.Net 4.0” when you want to create projects. So first step is creating new blank solution, then create new “WCF Service Application” and named it as “Server”:

Now have your service the only change that you need to apply is on web.config file. Let’s change it as below:

[cc lang=”XML” width=”100%”]


Visual Studio has created the sample service, operation contract and data contract for you that should fine for our sample and your server for hosting RESTful service has been completed. Next step is to setup the client. You need to ensure that you have internet connection while loading the test client. Create new HTML file and place the code below as a content:

[cc lang=”HTML” width=”100%”]

Now run your service by pressing the “F5” in Visual Studio and open an “Internet Explorer” and open the created HTML file. Now the HTML code will contact the RESTful service and pass two values to the service (as a JSON object) and show the result value from server.

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