Recently I’m working on a project which has a requirement. We need focal point selector for an image. So the idea is you pick a focal point and application based on requested image size crop the image based on selected focal point. So I store the focal point (x,y) as a comma separated in string.

public class ImageFile : ImageData
	public virtual string FocalPoint { get; set; }

Now we want make the EPiServer custom editor named “FocalPoint”. There are many post about this so I ignore this part but what I need to pass current image URL to be passed to my editor. So for doing this we need EditorDescriptor as below:

	[EditorDescriptorRegistration(TargetType = typeof(string), UIHint = "FocalPoint")]
	public class FocalPointEditorDescriptor : EditorDescriptor
		public FocalPointEditorDescriptor()
			this.ClientEditingClass = "alloy.editors.FocalPointSelector";
		public override void ModifyMetadata(ExtendedMetadata metadata, IEnumerable attributes)
			base.ModifyMetadata(metadata, attributes);

Now we want to change the code to pass current image URL to editor, so editor can load the image and user can select the focal point. Code below is a magic which need to be injected into ModifyMetadata method.

			var contentDataMetadata = metadata as ContentDataMetadata;
			if (contentDataMetadata != null)
				var imageFile = contentDataMetadata.OwnerContent as IContentMedia;
				if (imageFile != null)
					metadata.EditorConfiguration["imageURL"] = UrlResolver.Current.GetUrl(imageFile.ContentLink);

And now we can access the value in our edit in JS:


	function (
		template) {

		return declare(
			"ras.editors.FocalPointSelector", [
				templateString: template,
				selector: null,
				intermediateChanges: false,
				image: null,
				value: null,
				onChange: function (value) { },
				postCreate: function () {
					this.image = dojo.create("img", { "style": "width:100%;height:100%", "src": this.imageURL }, this.domNode);

And you can see “imageURL” is being passed to our javascript code and we can use it.